
Maria A. Grimaldi
/Chief Executive Officer

Born in 1968. Chief Executive Officer in Bublar Group since 13 May 2019. Maria has extensive experience from leading positions in the gaming industry, from consultants and investments in growth companies. Former head of ANGI-the Association for the Nordic Game Industry. Maria is currently the Chairman of the Board of the game studio Fall Damage, director of the E-sports platform Esportal AB and M.O.B.A. Network and is member of the jury of the world's largest entrepreneurial competition, EY – Entrepreneur of the Year. Diploma in Brand Management and Strategic Marketing from Berghs School of Communication.

Shareholding in Bublar: 30 769 shares and 450 000 warrants

Magnus Granqvist
/Managing Director, Virtual Brains

Born in 1968. Co-founder of Bublar. CEO of Bublar Group from 2015 until May 2019. Magnus has 20 years of experience in sales and business development from the media, Internet and entertainment industry. Previous positions include Sales Manager for Sandrew/Warner Brothers' movie releases in Sweden and Managing Director for the Nordic movie distributor Noble Entertainment. Magnus has a background from Modern Times Group (MTG), Cell Interactive TV AB (CEO) and as founder the Nordic region's first interactive TV channel, eTV. Holds an M.Sc.
Business Administration from Stockholm University.

Shareholding in Bublar: 2 516 310 shares through MAGRAQ Invest AB.

Anders Ribbing
/Managing Director, Vobling

Born in 1978. Employed in the company since 2018. Broad experience in XR technologies (AR/VR/MR/3D), TV, digital- and social media, business development, gaming, digital transformation and creating new business concepts. Several years of experience from TV4. Founder of the RAYVR VR Studio, bought by Vobling 2018.

Shareholding in Bublar: 806 289 shares through Ribbing Invest AB and 150 000 warrants

Niklas Slotte
/Managing Director, Sayduck, Helsinki

Born in 1979. Employed in the company since 2019. Co-founder of Sayduck, part of Bublar Group. Niklas has more than 15 years of previous experience as co-founder, Managing Director and business developer in Steam Communications Oy and WhyPrint Oy. MBA from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki.

Shareholdings in Bublar: 714 085 shares

Wictor Hattenbach
/Game Studio Director

Born in 1984. Employed in the company since 2017. Solid background in using new technologies and visionary leadership to produce groundbreaking games for console, online, F2P, MMO and mobile platforms. Has experience from the development teams for the gaming development lifecycle. Has previously been working on game design for studios such as Ubisoft, Bigpoint, Crowdpark, Win,
Beatguide, and Magix. Specialized in game design, UX design and creative project management.

Shareholding in Bublar: 0 shares and 90 000 warrants

Kenneth Häggmark
/Chief Technology Officer

Born in 1978 and co-founder of Bublar Group. Kenneths holds a Master of Science in Media Technology and has more than 25 years of experience of 3D visualization, simulation and software development. Kenneth has been running companies focused on Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) och Natural User Interfaces (NUI) since 2011.

Shareholding in Bublar: 2 516 310 shares through Kvantskum AB.

Alexander Hamilton
/Managing Director, Vobling Asia, Manila

Born in 1991. Employed in the company since 2018. Alexander Hamilton is a developer, designer and entrepreneur. From Vobling’s office in Manila, he leads he the growth of Vobling in Asia.

Shareholding in Bublar: 964 320 shares through Hypotax Holding AB

Axel Ljung

Born in 1980. Employed by the company since 2016. Co-founder of the company. Axel has experience in game development, game engines and 3D graphics. Axel was previously Chief Technology Officer of the visualisation company Sightline Vision AB. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and higher education engineer in computer science and engineering from the University of Kalmar.

Shareholdings in Bublar: 765 600 shares

Per Storløkken
/Senior Producer

Born in 1975. Employed in the company since 2016. Per has more than 15 years of experience in the gaming industry and has contributed to launches of titles such as Battlefield 1 and Mirror's Edge. Per has previously worked as a senior gaming producer at DICE (Electronic Arts) and at Funcom. M.Sc. from Gjøvik University College.

Shareholdings in Bublar: 15 000 shares

Anders Lindell
/Chief Financial Officer

Born in 1962. Employed by the company since 2017. Experience from finance- and economy-related positions in smaller companies. Experience from the financial market through previous positions in UBS (Frankfurt and London), Handelsbanken (Stockholm), Strenuus Capital (London). M.Sc. in Business Administration at the Stockholm School of Economics and MBA studies at UMASSE Amherst, Massachusetts.

Shareholding in Bublar: 214 000 shares and 150 000 warrants through Strenuus International AB.

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